For my Rails portfolio project, I decided to borrow the theme‘Kanban application’ from my Sinatra project, but it rebuilt from scratch. My Sinatra project was built by a basic CRUD MVC app that using ActiveRecord, while Rails project is built through complex forms and RESTful routes.
Kanban is a Japanese term that mean signboard. It uses in lean manufacturing to help improve manufacturing efficiency. With this app assemblers can create a secure registration using email, or Github login. After login assemblers can create, edit, and delete their parts request. Also, it shows the whorehouse pickers a list of parts that need to be pickedand then marked as picked. The following steps describe the process of buildingKanban App Project:
User Authentication: • Signup, Login and Logout: I used devise gem to create a secure registration • Login with other service: For registration using third party app I used github-omniauth
Model: • User Model:
- Has many orders
- Attributes: email, password
• Order Model:
- Belongs to user
- Has many partorders
- Has many parts through partorders
- Attributes: station and user_id
• Partorder Model:
- Belongs to order
- Belongs to part
- Attributes: qty and picked
• Part Model:
- Has many partorders
- Has many orders through partorders