Rails Portfolio Project – Kanban Application

For my Rails portfolio project, I decided to borrow the theme‘Kanban application’ from my Sinatra project, but it rebuilt from scratch. My Sinatra project was built by a basic CRUD MVC app that using ActiveRecord, while Rails project is built through complex forms and RESTful routes.

Sinatra Portfolio Project – Kanban Application

Kanban application is my first web app that help assemblers to order their parts just on time from the warehouse. Kanban is a Japanese term that mean signboard. It uses in lean manufacturing to help improve manufacturing efficiency. Kanban App is built by a basic CRUD MVC app that using ActiveRecord with Sinatra.

The Process of CLI Data Gem Project

When I started my Online Software Engineering program at Flatiron School and after I read the curriculum, I began wondering how I am going to be building a Ruby CLI data gem project from scratch after only one month from starting this program? Knowing that I didn’t have any coding experience before, which it was make me very nervous at the beginning of starting the project.