For my Rails portfolio project, I decided to borrow the theme‘Kanban application’ from my Sinatra project, but it rebuilt from scratch. My Sinatra project was built by a basic CRUD MVC app that using ActiveRecord, while Rails project is built through complex forms and RESTful routes.
Kanban application is my first web app that help assemblers to order their parts just on time from the warehouse. Kanban is a Japanese term that mean signboard. It uses in lean manufacturing to help improve manufacturing efficiency. Kanban App is built by a basic CRUD MVC app that using ActiveRecord with Sinatra.
When I started my Online Software Engineering program at Flatiron School and after I read the curriculum, I began wondering how I am going to be building a Ruby CLI data gem project from scratch after only one month from starting this program? Knowing that I didn’t have any coding experience before, which it was make me very nervous at the beginning of starting the project.